Texas Hold’em: 3 Killer Poker Strategies To Help You Win Big

Texas hold’em poker is currently one of the most popular minds sports in India and more new players are coming in to experience the thrill of poker every day. With the growing demand for poker and numerous online poker platforms available out there, you need to develop the right poker strategies to win. As you will find several talented poker players in any online poker room, it is imperative that you learn not only the basics of the game but also some crucial poker strategies.

Importance of poker strategy

Texas Hold’em is a game of skill and hand strength. At poker tournaments In India, the best hands defeat all other players and win the pot. Hence, you should plan how you can get the best hand before investing any money in the pot. Make sure to play the best hands you can in the pre-flop round as they will make the best hand in the post-flop phase. At a nine-handed poker table, it is wise to play merely 18 to 20 percent of your hands. Playing too many hands can make you lose money. This is why you need to develop a good poker strategy to win at the table.

Here are 3 simple yet effect poker strategies that will enable you to become a better poker player-

Observe & Analyze

Before you go on attaching the table and the pot, it is essential that you attentively observe the table and analyze all the players. This is the first and most important poker tournament strategy you need to apply. This will prevent you from being defeated by your opponents who will try to by utilizing various aggressive techniques.

Manage Your Bankroll

You can never underestimate the importance of effective bankroll management while playing poker tournament online. This is perhaps the most common poker strategy out there yet most players often get priced out. You should only play pots that your bankroll allows you to. It is as simple as that.

Know Your Poker Skills

Understanding your own weaknesses and strengths in poker is another important strategy that can help you win big in poker. Once you identify your weak areas, you can start to work on them and get better. This will make you a better player eventually. The more you learn about your poker skills the better you will play at poker tournaments In India.

So go ahead do some research, read some books, watch poker tutorials online and play poker online as much as you can to become a real poker superstar.

A Guide On Physical Poker Tells To Look For Physical Tells For

A Poker game gathers information about different opponents. All depends on luck as you are unsure how wrong or right another player hand’s is. It is a human interaction game that provides clues at times from other players. Based on betting patterns of players it indicates weakness or strengths of their hand. In any Indian poker playing game at lower limits is common.

The players reveal information without being aware that they are doing so. Now, highlighting on two forms of poker are:

Physical Tells

Gestures and expressions of players in the game Tells are like any observations made at the poker table. Give them weight as it might tell your opponent’s body language. The moves are shown on television and movies.

Betting Patterns

Most dependable type of poker. You are studied on your move in both present and past for making a judgement whether to bet or check.

A player is an advantageous position if he understands and observes the meaning of another player’s chance. Indian poker strategy is solely based on duplicity. It even happens that a player may fake for induce his opponents. The following plans are:

Looking Away

Players who look into each other eyes are conveying strength. Not maintaining eye contact depicts they are weak. Some do bluff such players, avoid engagement by looking at the opponents continuously.

Taking Time to Act

Even players who are good at hiding information at the time tend to give away lot information only by using hand strength. The Two card Indian poker works on two aspects- action and situation chosen by the players. Some indications like taking time to decide or calling a bet at faster rate show weakness.

Handling Cards and Chips

The manner in which the opponents hold the card would give you an impression whether they are active or weak. Sometimes a player might signal before taking action and then finally perform it.

Attentiveness Level

The game rules should be conveyed to the players beforehand. People have a habit of bringing tablets and smartphones that create distractions. Notably, before the fold takes place, you might signal by scrolling down your phone screen to view Facebook or  Twitter.

Table Talk

A general observation of Indian poker pig mark player during the game is conveying through hands how relaxed he feels. The interpretation could be made, for example, an opponent who is not talkative maybe showcasing strength but, he might be weak inside.

People at the table pretending to be actors are not. They follow a standard phrase if I don’t adjust myself, it might reveal my true nature. Are you smart enough to trick your opponents? Poker pros have mastered the art of the Indian poker game by changing strategy between being conservative and aggressive.

3 Reasons to Believe Poker is Not Just Gambling But More

Bored with the regular work schedule and want to drift your attention to gaming? Yes, you read that absolutely right. Gaming can be the part and parcel of your daily life, helping you relax after the whole day’s toil.

One factor that might be lurking at the back of your mind is – is gaming a wastage of time? It’s a big NO. Gaming does have several positive approaches towards other aspects of life that one needs dig out from the depth. Indian Poker is equal to ambling and thus have various myths attached to the very name of it. If, you have been searching for the positive aspect of it in real life as well, you landed in the correct page! Let’s take an insight to break the myths that are particularly attached with poker gaming:

  1. Increases your concentration level:

Concentration levels experiences ups and down that might turn into a roller coaster for your work progress. To defy this start playing poker! This game is a two card Indian Poker and demands high level of focus. Engage yourself in understanding the strategies and take a leap forward. This will help you with the concentration issue that you have been facing lately. You will observe a sea of changes in your behavior and approach towards other real life aspects and that’s a guarantee.

  1. Taking of challenges:

Afraid of taking up challenges that come your way? Nevertheless, take up Indian poker strategy gaming. This will decrease your anxiety level that is attached with one’s ability to face the challenge. Since, the game have several challenges coming your way while crossing each stages ad levels, you become habituated with taking up challenges both in your real and reel life.

  1. Increases decision making ability:

Confusion spoils your broth?  Have you ever thought of investing in poker games? Mark my words for this. Each gaming levels and strategies in this Indian poker strategy game come up with a tag of taking instant decision; if you are late even by a fraction of seconds, alas! You’re losing it. This helps you in coping up with every situation and taking up the instant decision that is required to win in every circumstances of life.

If this whole article weren’t impressive and convincing enough for you to play the games. Here you go with a link to play the game Indian Poker for free at http://www.pokermet.com. Try your hands at the game and it’s a bet that you will surely fall in love with this relaxing mantra that shoves away all your tensions.

Top 3 Strategies To Become A Better Poker Player In 2018

Poker is an excellent mind sport that not only helps you to get smarter but also enables you to earn big money. However, winning big at poker is no easy task, especially for beginners and amateurs. No matter how great you think you play, your rivals will always try to outplay you. If there is a pro at the table then you are sure to lose all your money unless you have some excellent poker strategies at work.

Positioning is perhaps the most important strategy in poker that you need to keep in mind while playing the game as it can give you an upper hand over your rivals depending on where you sit. But if you are not so lucky to grab the best seat, then having some pro level poker strategies can help you win all the money.

So here are some great Indian poker strategies that will help you to play effectively against the best pros and win the pot as well.

Observe Then Attack

Make sure that you observe the battlefield first before you strike. It is very important to understand the table and to analyze what your opponents are planning. Winning poker is not about how well you play, but about how your rivals play. When you observe the table, you will reduce your chances of getting beaten by your opponents at the table. By understanding that you need to wait for the best hands and opportunities to win, you will become a more competitive and successful player.

Focus On Your Bankroll

Always remember to focus on your bankroll and make sure that it is properly maintained. This is perhaps the most important Indian poker strategy followed by successful pros. A strict bankroll management strategy will ensure you last long in the field even when you had a losing streak. The best players decide which stakes to play based on the amount of money in their poker bankroll.

Know Your Poker Skills

It is one thing to believe that you are great Indian poker player but it is a whole different game when you think no one can beat you. It is imperative that you evaluate and analyze your poker strengths & weaknesses. When you realize your weakness in a certain area, you can then work on it to make it better. If you wish to boost your poker game then you must start by learning more about yourself as a poker player.

So if you wish to become a successful poker player in India then you must start by following these strategies. These will not only help you play poker games better but also enable you to make a living simply by being a poker pro.

Good luck at the tables!

3 worst poker hands in the history of online poker!

Isn’t it amazing to watch seasoned poker pros play their hearts and minds out at poker tables? Oh, the excitement of unexpected twists, bluffs and disheartening bad beats of the game! Only a few other things can amplify the rush of adrenaline pumping through our veins much like watching pros play poker online India! The massacres on deep stack poker games need toughened souls who can endure the thrills of the game. Even monstrous hands in terms poker odds have been beaten at this game with some obscure lesser hand and all this unpredictability is what makes the game all the more exciting for bystanders to rail. However, this also means that many a time a favorable poker situation with a fairly strong hand can often turn into a soul-crushing disaster, just because of a bad beat or a rookie mistake of not calling your opponent’s bluff.

In this post we will discuss about the worst hands in the history of poker:

Lesson #1: Shandor Szentkuti vs. Danny Lee at WPT:

This is by far the best example of a bad beat in all of poker history. Danny Nyugen went all in pushing his chips holding an Ace and a 7 of diamond and to his dismay was called by Shandor Szentkuti holding Ace and King of clubs. The flop showed 5 and a king of hearts with 5 of spades. During this time Shandor had 99% winning odds while Danny only had ½%. The turn brought out 7 of clubs. Soon enough everybody watching was completely bowled over along with Danny as well to discover the river card that stood out to be 7 of spades. Danny had a full house and won the hand, later he even won the entire tournament by beating all final table opponents.

Lesson #2: the bad beat with Royal Flush vs. AAA:

This is one of the most memorable hands played at the World Series of Poker Main Event in 2008. A Japanese pro Motoyuki Mabuchi, was dealt with Aces of club and spade. He went into heads up battle with American pro Justin Phillips, while he limped to patiently wait and see the river card. The board awarded him with another Ace of hearts, 9 of clubs and queen and 10 of diamonds. The river card was an Ace of diamonds. Soon enough Mabuchi betted and Phillips raises and Mabuchi shoved instantly with amazing excitement as did Phillips. But to his surprise everything turned south for Mabuchi when he got a glimpse of Phillip’s cards. He was holding J and K of diamonds. The royal flush defeated Mabuchi’s puny four of a kind and he was forced to leave the table empty handed!

Such are the trials of the game of poker which is why you should play close attention to learnign how to play a poker card game online.

Lesson #3: The Full house bluff off the pot with Tom Dwan:

Tom Dwan is perhaps the most difficult to read when playing poker against him to plan your next moves for the game. It was JC Tran who found himself clashing against Dwan at a heads-up with 10 of diamond and Ace of spade. Dwan was holding a queen of clubs and 10 of spades. The flop showed 9 of heart, Ace of diamond and J of club. The turn rang with J of heart. And finally the river fell with the J of Diamonds. Soon enough Tran became a huge favorite amongst poker lovers around the world. But still Dwan refused to back down and shoved all-in. Tran caved to call his bluff and mucked his cards giving Tom the pot in a historic poker hand!

So, the next time you play poker cash games online employ these tricks to remain awesome and be a winner!

4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Poker

With the ever-growing popularity of online poker in India, more and more people are now starting to play the game and with good reason. This card game of skill is not only great for your mental health but it also helps you to earn good cash. However, playing poker can also help you in your personal life as the game teaches you valuable life lessons.

Here are 5 important life lessons you can learn from poker.

Dealing with Failure

When you play poker games, you will lose many times and that will help to improve your game. And in life, it is just as same. Failure in poker will enable you to have a positive outlook and deal with failure better. When you lose a hand, you wonder if you made the right decision or if you could have played better. Losing streaks are fairly common in the game but you can’t let that demotivate you. You have to grind harder and achieve that win. Once you develop this poker mentality you will be able to manage your personal life better.

Emotional Control

When making important life decisions, emotions can sometimes adversely affect your decision-making abilities. When playing poker, it is easy to lose your temper when you are dealt bad hands or you end up losing with a good hand. This is known as tilt and you lose your decision-making abilities. But pro players know when to check their reactions and how to control their emotions at the table. When you do this repeatedly, you will be able to make calculated and rational decisions not only at the table but also in your life.


Discipline is the key to success in this game. When you are playing live freeroll poker tournaments which can go on for long hours, you will need the discipline to get you through and play your best even when you are tired. Moreover, your discipline will help you not to spend all the cash prize when you win big. Poker helps you develop traits like discipline and willpower which are essential in your personal life.

Win in the Long Run

So you won big in a poker league in India last weekend. But does that actually matter? In poker, your one-time wins don’t matter as much as your collective winnings throughout your entire poker career. Successful poker players know to focus on winning in the long run. Similarly in your personal life, focusing on the long-term would enable you to go farther ahead in life than thinking about short-term goals.

Poker makes you a better person and helps you to live your life in a better way. So stop wasting your time and start playing poker right away. Good luck at the tables.