3 worst poker hands in the history of online poker!

Isn’t it amazing to watch seasoned poker pros play their hearts and minds out at poker tables? Oh, the excitement of unexpected twists, bluffs and disheartening bad beats of the game! Only a few other things can amplify the rush of adrenaline pumping through our veins much like watching pros play poker online India! The massacres on deep stack poker games need toughened souls who can endure the thrills of the game. Even monstrous hands in terms poker odds have been beaten at this game with some obscure lesser hand and all this unpredictability is what makes the game all the more exciting for bystanders to rail. However, this also means that many a time a favorable poker situation with a fairly strong hand can often turn into a soul-crushing disaster, just because of a bad beat or a rookie mistake of not calling your opponent’s bluff.

In this post we will discuss about the worst hands in the history of poker:

Lesson #1: Shandor Szentkuti vs. Danny Lee at WPT:

This is by far the best example of a bad beat in all of poker history. Danny Nyugen went all in pushing his chips holding an Ace and a 7 of diamond and to his dismay was called by Shandor Szentkuti holding Ace and King of clubs. The flop showed 5 and a king of hearts with 5 of spades. During this time Shandor had 99% winning odds while Danny only had ½%. The turn brought out 7 of clubs. Soon enough everybody watching was completely bowled over along with Danny as well to discover the river card that stood out to be 7 of spades. Danny had a full house and won the hand, later he even won the entire tournament by beating all final table opponents.

Lesson #2: the bad beat with Royal Flush vs. AAA:

This is one of the most memorable hands played at the World Series of Poker Main Event in 2008. A Japanese pro Motoyuki Mabuchi, was dealt with Aces of club and spade. He went into heads up battle with American pro Justin Phillips, while he limped to patiently wait and see the river card. The board awarded him with another Ace of hearts, 9 of clubs and queen and 10 of diamonds. The river card was an Ace of diamonds. Soon enough Mabuchi betted and Phillips raises and Mabuchi shoved instantly with amazing excitement as did Phillips. But to his surprise everything turned south for Mabuchi when he got a glimpse of Phillip’s cards. He was holding J and K of diamonds. The royal flush defeated Mabuchi’s puny four of a kind and he was forced to leave the table empty handed!

Such are the trials of the game of poker which is why you should play close attention to learnign how to play a poker card game online.

Lesson #3: The Full house bluff off the pot with Tom Dwan:

Tom Dwan is perhaps the most difficult to read when playing poker against him to plan your next moves for the game. It was JC Tran who found himself clashing against Dwan at a heads-up with 10 of diamond and Ace of spade. Dwan was holding a queen of clubs and 10 of spades. The flop showed 9 of heart, Ace of diamond and J of club. The turn rang with J of heart. And finally the river fell with the J of Diamonds. Soon enough Tran became a huge favorite amongst poker lovers around the world. But still Dwan refused to back down and shoved all-in. Tran caved to call his bluff and mucked his cards giving Tom the pot in a historic poker hand!

So, the next time you play poker cash games online employ these tricks to remain awesome and be a winner!